Wednesday, June 22

The last of Greece's Photos: Tyrnes and Acropolis

Tyrnes is one of my favorite places. Can't explain why, you just have to go and see it for yourself. We only snapped a few photos of it. (It's also the childhood home to Heracles.)





Better picture of the Venetian fort from previous post!

The Acropolis!

The Hephaistion; one of the best preserved temples in Greece

Dionysus Amphitheater

The Propylaea (walk way up to the Acropolis)


Wide shot of the Erechtheion

close up of the Erechtheion; only place to use women statues as columns


Ruins underneath the new Acropolis Museum; someday you'll be able to walk around them!
Next up: Germany and Amsterdam (not today tho!)


Epidurous is a site dedicated to Asklepius, son of Apollo, who is a god of healing and medicine. Our medical symbol of the snake curled around a staff comes from portraits that portray Asklepius with snakes. He used snakes as one of his methods of healing.

Amphitheater; one of the largest; still used today!

Mom standing in the center to drop a penny to show off acoustics (just happened to find a doggie taking his morning lap too - who later on decided to become our tour guide. )

Massive ruins (part of which include grounds for the first hospital)


Tholos where Asklypios housed his healing snakes

One of several locations where individuals would come to be healed

Roman ruins of a temple to Isis

Mom's dog showing us the way

Old Bronze tools used by the first doctors

Nauplio, Venitian Fortress, Mycene, & Argos

City of Nauplio

Old Venetian Fortress overlooking the Bay (bad shot)

Venetian Fort in middle of Bay

Large Tholos Tomb; Mycene

Lion Gate Walk-way to Mycene - Home of Agamemnon

Close up of the lion gates

View of Mycene when leaving

A Herion; near Mycene (temple to Hera)

Argos Ampitheater

At Long Last: Photos!

Finally! We're back in LA and will be moving into our new place one week from today! Yay for finally  having a home after 9 months on the roads. But, I digress, here are some pictures from the ancient site of Delphi, Greece. I'm going to be posting a series of other posts throughout today and tomorrow with the rest of our photos! Enjoy!
Temple to Athena

Center of the world! Omphalos

Athenian Treasury

Temple to Apollo

Temple to Apollo



Sphinx of Naxos

Biton and Bleobis

The Charioteer

Monday, June 6

Back in the USA

Sorry for the delay in posting.  We made it safely back in Jersey, and as always, it has been a whirlwind here on the east coast.

Tomorrow, bright and early, we are off to drive back to California.  We know we still owe you all pictures from Greece.  We promise to get those up soon.  In the meantime, thanks to all who followed out adventures.  It truly was an incredible trip, made all the better by the feeling of bringing each of you along with us.  We hope to see all of you, in person, soon!